Alice M. Ware

“…Mrs. R. F. del Valle read an excellent address written by Miss Martha B. Wright, a member of the Board of Managers, and the subject matter gained much by the fine manner of its reading. Miss Frances Wills, president of the Board of Managers, in a few appropriate words presented diplomas to the following graduates: Misses Jennie A. Kinney, Lulu B. James, Margaret C. McLean, Los Angeles; B. Josephine Eberle, Downey; Alice M. Ware, Pasadena; Ila Lee, Villa Park; Helen M. Layman, Long Beach; Louise M. Hunter, Pasadena; Florence H. Webber, Boston; Johanna Olesen, Denmark; Uintah M. Carter, Ogden. The exercises closed with brief but timely remarks by Dr. Joseph Kurtz, a member of the examining board.

Dr. Kurtz’s high estimate of the profession of the trained nurse is well known and, as on similar previous occasions, he spoke of the lives that might have been saved had they been employed by the government in the Spanish-American war. He stated also that no better examinations had ever been passed than those by the class of 1899. The young ladies were the recipients of quantities of beautiful floral offerings.”

Reference Data:

Thw Southern California Practioner, Vol. 14, 1899, page 287

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