“SACRED | to the memory of | Daniel Ware Esq. | who died |
Oct. 20, 1819,
Behold and see as you pass bye.
As you are now so once was I,
As I am now so you must be;
Prepare for death and follow me.
He was b. May 19, 1755, bapt. July 13, son of Josiah Ware and his wife Dorothy Dewing, who were m. Apr. 12, 1750. (T. and Ch. Recs.)
Daniel was in Capt. Aaron Smith’s company of militia April 19, 1775, and was a soldier at York in December, 1776. There is a bronze S. A. R. marker on his grave.
He was a hogreave in 1785, surveyor of highways 1788, ’94, ’96, school committee (“West Meeting house” district) 1794, ’98, 1800, ’01, ’06, ’07, ’15, ’16, field driver 1795, ’98, 1802, ’04, fence viewer and constable 1797, assessor 1798, ’99, 1803, tythingman 1799, 1803,’05, town clerk 1801, selectman 180516 (twelve years), representative 1805-07, ’10-13, town treasurer November 3, 1806-March, 1818, town agent 1815-17, moderator of many town meetings during the first twenty five years of this century, justice of the peace 1809-19.
The office of town agent has existed in Needham, as occasion required, from early times, and there have been either two or three chosen each year since 1846. For twenty years the selectmen have been also the town agents.
Mr. Ware was treasurer of the West Precinct March 29, 1797-March 24, 1800, and clerk March 22, 1802, until his decease. He was also on its standing committee 1788, ’92, 1803, ’04, collector 1789.
Mr. Ware was called “Enfn” in the records as early as 1794 and “Adj'” in 1798. In 1794, ’95 he was on the committee to provide teachers for the West Meeting house district; March 14, 1796, he was on the committee ‘to open the Bridle way acrofs Chestnut Hill,’ and on that ‘to Diftrict the town a new into School Diftricts.’
On May 9, 1796, he was chosen on the committees, in which all the school districts were represented, ‘for building & repairing School Houses,’ and ‘to afsertain what each Proprietors right is in the School Houses.’ In 1803 and 1819, and perhaps other years, he was on the committee to reckon with the town treasurer. On May 11, 1807, he was on the committee ‘to Repair the Bridges over Charles River,’ and April 6, 1812, was one of three chosen to thank the Rev. Stephen Palmer for his century sermon.
On July 2, 1813, he was on a committee ‘to joine with the District of Dover in building a new Bridge over Charles River, near the Slitting mill in the south part of the Town,’ and March 6, 1815, on a committee ‘to dispose of the old School house in the west part of the town.’
On November 4, 1816, he was chosen on a committee, one from each school district, ‘to manage Communication Gen Hospital,’ and October 27, 1816, he was on the committee to consider the division of the town. Mr. Ware’s house on the north corner of Russell Place was taken down in 1886.
Mrs. | ABIGAIL WARE, | wife of | Daniel Ware Esq. died | April 20, 1849
Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord.
She was b. in Dover, bapt. Feb. 3, 1765, dau. of Ebenezer and Elizabeth (Bullard) Newell, m. Daniel Ware Sept. 16, 1784. (T. and Ch. Recs.)”
Source: Epitaphs from Graveyards in Wellesley (Formerly West Needham), North Natick, and Saint Mary’s Churchyard in Newton Lower Falls, Massachusetts, by George Kuhn Clarke, LL.B., Privately Printed, Boston, 1900, pages 62-3