Lidia Ware


Petition of Lydia Ware Widow of William Ware late of Dighton deceased Setting forth That her late Husband was a proprietor in the Lands granted to Gallop and others and has left three minor Children and, as the Lands are now to be allotted amongst the proprietors and she is unable to pay towards the charge thereof, Praying that she may be impowered to dispose of the premises for the benefit of the said Children.

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Resolved on the Petition of Lydia Ware that the prayer thereof be granted, and that the Petitioner be and she accordingly is hereby is impowered to sell the right of her late Husband in the Lands granted as in the petition mentioned, for the most the same will fetch, and make and execute a good and sufficient deed or deeds thereof to the purchaser or purchasers, she observing the rules and directions of the Law for the sale of Real Estates by Executors and administrators and giving sufficient security to the Judge of Probate for the County of Bristol that the proceeds of said sale be applied as followeth viz’ one third of the money be put on Interest and the Petitioner be allowed said Interest in lieu of her dower in said Lands during her natural life, and that the other two thirds be put on Interest for the benefit of the Children, the Income to be allowed them annually for their support; also that said two thirds, together with the first mentioned third after the Widows decease be paid to and enjoyed by the Children when they shall arrive to full age or be married, if daughters, in the same proportion they might have inherited said Real Estate in case the same had not been Bold. [Passed July 13.”

Reference Data:

The Acts and Resolves, Public and Private of the Province of the Massachusetts Bay, Vol. 18, by Massachusetts, Goodell and Bigelow, 1912, page 650

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