FRANCIS (Frank) ALDEN WARE, a prominent shoe dealer of Boston, residing in Somerville, well known in business and social circles, is a native of Baltimore, Md. Born April 12, 1850, son of Preston Ware, Jr., he is a lineal descendant of Robert Ware, the immigrant ancestor, the line being Robert,1’2’3 Timothy,4 Elias,5 Preston,6-7 Francis A.8 Through his mother, Lavinia Lilly, he traces his descent from Captain Myles Standish, the famous military leader of the Plymouth Colony. …
Francis A. Ware was educated in the public schools of Newton, Mass., and at the age of seventeen years entered the employ of Thing & Norris, shoe dealers, as clerk, a position that he filled a number of years. He was subsequently with P. Ware, Jr., & Co., and from 1872 to 1878 was a partner in that concern. In 1879 he and his brother Charles formed the firm of F. A. Ware & Brother; in 1882 they sold out; and from 1883 to 1892 he was associated with the firm of Eaton & Terry, Brockton, which subsequently became Terry, Ware & Alley. The sudden death of Mr. Alley in December 26, 1894, caused the dissolution of that firm. Its successor, Ware & Lincoln, then organized, continued till 1900. Mr. Ware is now engaged in the shoe business alone, being located on Essex Street, Boston.
On April 21, 1880, Mr. Ware married Caroline Helen Langmaid, daughter of Samuel P. Langmaid. Mr. Langmaid was born at Chichester, N. H., in 1807, and died at his home on Winter Hill, Somerville, January 26, 1880. … Mr. and Mrs. Ware have four children — Samuel Langmaid, Ernest Alonzo, Lavinia Lilly, and Preston.”
Source: Biographical Sketches of Representative Citizens of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Graves & Steinbarger, Publishers, Boston, 1901, pages 849-50
”Ware, Frank A., son of Preston J. and Lavinia (Lilly) Ware, was born in Baltimore, Md., April 12, 1850. He was educated in the public schools of Newton, Mass., entered the shoe business in his nineteenth year, and has continued in that business until the present time, being now a member of the firm of Ware & Lincoln, shoe manufacturers, at Brockton, Mass. He came to Somerville in 1879, and has resided here since that year. He was married in 1880 to Carrie H. Langmaid, and they have four children, three sons and a daughter. Mr. Ware is not a so-called club-man, but is widely known in social and business circles. He resides at 54 Dartmouth street.”
Source: Somerville, Past and Present, by Edward Augustus Samuels and Henry Hastings Kimball, Published by Samuels and Kimball, Boston, 1897, page 641
Oooops: HIS closet…
Thinking of my wife and shoes, I wonder how many pairs of shoes Francis had in her closet!!!