“‘THE organization of the Fifth Street Methodist Episcopal Church was the outcome of a Sunday Schoolheld at Glasgow for a number of years. …
‘An excellent programme was rendered as part first: Bessie Conrad and Bessie Longacre gave a little dialogue. Bertie Webb and Ella Binder sang a duett, “Prayer for Piety,” in a very sweet manner. Lizzie Ware and Mathias Campbell, Jr., recited very creditably, and a quartette by Henry A. Shenton, J. Albert Merrill, Frank H. Shenton and D. Sherman Guss followed. Jennie Fryer, Minnie Nagle and Mabel Feger gave recitations, and Sallie Call and Addie Missimer gave a dialogue, during which two dolls fared badly. The choruses by the school were admirably sung.’ ”
Reference Data:
Rise and Progress of Methodism in Pottstown and in the Neighboring Regions, by William Jacob Binder, 1902, pages 331 and 333