Alonzo A. Ware

“SWANZEY. — George I. Cutler, Alonzo A. Ware.

Free Text-books. School Opportunities Should

Be Improved.

We have had the second year’s experience in having text-books and school supplies furnished at the expense of the town, and good results of the law requiring this have been seen in our schools. The scholars are all now provided with necessary books and can consequently be better classified and the school work more satisfactorily done by the teacher.

The orders for books and the other school supplies are, as a rule, issued by the teachers and filled by the members of the school board, who generally have confidence that the teachers know the wants of the schools and would call only for what was needed. It is expected that teachers will keep a correct account in their text-book records of the books furnished them and their condition when delivered to each scholar, and note also their condition at the end of each term, or the year. Those to whom books are loaned should be held responsible for the proper care of them. School books, after they have become somewhat soiled and worn, are often treated like old clothes which are not so carefully used as when new. It has been observable that the books in some schools are much better kept than in others; this difference is owing somewhat to the care of the teachers, as well as to the different habits of scholars.

Four additional sets of “The Complete School Charts,” by Ivison, Blakeman & Co., have been placed in our schools during the past year. These, if properly used, may be made very beneficial to the schools and of much help to the teachers.

It appears that some teachers practice more economy than others in the use of such supplies as pens, paper, pencils, and crayons. The town furnishes these for the proper use of scholars at school, but they are not to be wasted, thrown away, or carried off as though of no account, because the cost of them is comparatively small.

In review of our schools of the past year we have reason to feel that they have, as a whole, been as prosperous as ever before. It is evident that they should be better, for the reason that more is now being done for them than in any former time. More money is being appropriated for schooling and, as a rule, more experienced and better fitted teachers are employed, who must in the present time be better paid. The superior advantages of our schools should be appreciated.

It is to be regretted that some who might do not avail themselves of the opportunity to send their children to school. If they all did, our schools would be much better attended than now. It is not proposed in this report to deliver a lecture on the advantages of a good education; but we have reason to believe that some of these young people will live to realize that they have been wronged by being deprived of the education that justly belonged to them.

Parents and citizens, you can do much to improve our schools by becoming more interested in them. An influence over your children in favor of their doing well at school and being constant and regular in attendance, will have a most favorable effect, while the reverse would have a bad effect and tend to the discouragement of the teacher and discredit to the scholar and school.”

Reference Data:

Annual Report of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, by New Hampshire, Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction,1892, pages 131-3

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