"Henry WARE, farmer, P. O. Butler, was born in Butler
Grove Township May 4, 1845; son of Obadiah and Electa
(POST) WARE, he born in Gilsum, Cheshire Co., N. H.,
January 2, 1795, a farmer by occupation, and dying
September 24, 1876, she born in Addison County, Vt.,
July 15, 1800, and dying November 15, 1859. Our subject
was educated in the common schools of his county, and
began life as a farmer, in which he has been and still
is engaged, owning at the present time a fine farm of
240 acres of well-improved land, lying on the cross road
running from Springfield to Hillsboro. In addition to
general farming, Mr. WARE makes a specialty of raising
fine sheep, having a large flock always in his fields.
In Lee County, Iowa, January 24, 1867, he married Miss
Louisa H. MORRISON, born March 14, 1846, daughter of
Joseph and Miriam (BAUGH) MORRISON, he a native of
Tennessee, and she of Kentucky."
USGenWeb Illinois Archives