Justus H. Ware (1834 – )

"Justus H. WARE, farmer, P. O. Butler, was born at
Ware's Grove, near Butler, Montgomery Co., Ill., 
July 11, 1834; son of Benjamin and Sarah (SLAYBACK)
WARE, he born at Gilsum, Cheshire Co., N. H., May 27, 
1796, a farmer by occupation, and dying July 31, 1855;
she, born near Lexington, Ky., September 13, 1805, 
and still living. They had two children born to them,
our subject being the second. Mr. WARE, after attending
the schools of his county, began life as a farmer, and at
present owns a farm of 280 acres of excellent land, 
which is under a high state of cultivation, and with good
improvements thereon. He was married in Keene, N. H., 
September 26, 1860, to Miss Luceba A. BRIGHAM, born at 
East Alstead, N. H., August 25, 1836, daughter of Aaron 
and Susan (PROCTOR) BRIGHAM, and the following children
have been born to them: Mary Flora, born November 29, 1862;
Carrie Susan, born May 5, 1864, and died December 1, 1866; 
George Vincent, born September 5, 1867; Amy Lillian, born 
April 24, 1873. Mr. WARE has served as School Director of
his township, is a member of the Lutheran Church and a


USGenWeb Illinois Archives

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