Ephraim Ware

“Other existing Ware houses are the Reuel Ware house built by Daniel Ware on Brook Street, now owned by Robert H. Monks; the Captain Reuben Ware house on Walnut Street, now owned by the Millers; and Mr. Sheridan’s at the junction of Oakland Street and Brookside Road, where across the road, tradition says, is the old spring used by Maugus. This is probably part of property which in 1833 the town of Needham sold to Isaac Keyes. The deed records thirteen acres on Worcester Turnpike, and, no doubt, is part of the land deeded by Ephraim Ware to the Needham Parish. (These Wares are buried in the Needham Cemetery.)”

Reference Data:

History of the Town of Wellesley, Massachusette, by Joseph Emery Fiske, 1917, page 60


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