Florence Fredonia Ware, Obituary, 1907

“Florence FREDONIA only daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer WARE, born Bonaparte 9/14/1906 and died 7/20/1907 at home. Grandparent near Boyd, Okalahoma at age 10 months 5 days. She was with mother and brother on visit to Oklahoma.”

“[The original Redhead papers appear to be condensed transcriptions of actual obituaries. They were then transcribed for the Il-Ia-Mo Searcher, and again for posting here. After the third transcription, it is clear that errors have occurred in the transcriptions. Spelling and punctuation from The Ill-Ia-Mo Searcher are preserved.]”

Source: OBITUARIES IN VAN BUREN COUNTY, IOWA from 1899 to 1911, From papers owned by Mrs. Redhead of Bentonsport, Iowa. Submitted by Mr. & Mrs. Stan Shepherd, Ft. Madison, Iowa, to The Ill-Ia-Mo Searcher, Issue 59 Page 62.  Posted By: Paul French, Date: 12/5/2005, Van Buren Co., Iowa, Gen Web Archives

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