“Harley W. Elias Ware, son of Mrs. Alpha Ware and a brother of Phil K. Ware, was drowned about ten o’clock Wednesday night, August 11, in the Des Moines river near the power house. The young man, whose age was about twenty-four, was one of a swimming party of seven. Rev. J. H. Krenmeyer of Mt. Zion, and the unfortunate young man were the first to plunge into the water. They were about ten feet apart. On the way to the river, Harley talked about fooling the boys and when he failed to answer their first call they thought nothing of it. They called a second and a third time, but he failed to answer and the boys started for help. In the crowd besides the two named were Roy Gray, Ed Hartrick, Earl Wright, Ben Marmion and Harry Beeson. Searching parties with torches were organized and they began to drag the river. The scene of the drowning was in nine feet of water almost back of the power house. Parties went down the river as far as George Gray’s place but all gave up about seven o’clock Thursday morning. Returning to the sand bar just below H.F. Barton’s mill, the searchers started out again and in a few minutes John Wiley found the body in two feet of water. The strong current on this side of the river made searching a dangerous task. That the young man went down with is cramps is not doubted.
The body was quickly brought to this side of the river and carried to the brother’s undertaking rooms.
Harley Ware was a jovial young man; friendly with everybody. He had been employed by his brother for nearly four years. His tragic death comes as a great shock to the entire community. Besides his mother and his brother already named, …..illegible….Clark and Ed, of Echo, Oregon, three sisters, Mrs. Ross McKiernan of Kewanee, Mrs. Frank Locke and Miss Alpha at home.
The proprietors of the Republican were acquainted with the deceased and desire to express the sincere respect we had for him and, along with others who knew him, to extend our sympathy to the relatives in their bereavement. The funeral was held Saturday, August 14, Rev. James McKiernan in charge of the services, the burial being in the Bonaparte cemetery.”
Source: Posted By: Jean Wenke, Date: 1/25/2009, Van Buren Co. GenWeb Archives
Harley Elias Ware Obituary, 1909