“Mrs. Minor Ware.
Ruth, daughter of James and Lucinda Corwin, was born in Farmington, Iowa, July 22, 1859, and died at her home near Bonaparte March 6, 1912, aged 52 years, 7 months and 13 days.
She was the youngest of eleven children. She was married to Lewis Minor Ware, Feb. 4, 1880. To this union were born four children: Roy Elwyn died in infancy; Elmer C. Ware of Muskogee, Oklahoma; Mrs. Edna M. Donnelly of Burlington, Iowa; and Bertha A. Ware at home. The children were all with her at the last. These with the husband and three grandchildren, one brother, Jacob Corwin, of Aurora, Ill., two sisters, Mrs. Ann McDaniel of Brooklyn, N. Y.; and Mrs. Emma Neiswanger of Bonaparte, and many other relatives are left to mourn their loss. Having lived in and around Bonaparte nearly all her life, she had many friends and neighbors who mourn with them.
She united with the M. E. Church July 17, 1898, and remained faithful to the end. She was a charter member of the Mutual Protective League, and was always a cherished member.
Having been an invalid for over two years, she was unable to attend the meetings of the church. She was a great sufferer, but bore all patiently and was willing to lay down the burden of this life and be at rest.
She was a kind and loving wife and mother and a good neighbor, and will be greatly missed in the community. Truly a good woman has gone to her reward.”
Source: Entler Scrapbooks, vol. 5, Iowa Historical Library, Iowa City, IA, Posted By: Rich Lowe, Date: 12/9/2001, Van Buren Co., Iowa, GenWeb Archives