Capt. William J. Link, a prominent citizen of Haywood County,
was one of its pioneers; he is a native of Halifax County, Va.,
and was born February 28, 1813, being the son of Bird and Varilla
(Morton) Link. While our subject was still an infant, his parents
moved in 1813 to Davidson County, Tenn., and lived there fourteen
years. In 1827 they came to this county, where the father died
in 180?, and the mother in 1852. Capt. Link received by his own
efforts a good education, and when still young commenced the
cultivation of the farm. He has been married twice; his first
wife was Miss Mary Meux, a native of Alabama; they were married
January 24, 1838. December 12, 1866, he was married to Mrs. Mary
(Sevier) Ware, whose mother was a niece of ex-Gov. Sevier, of this
State. No children were born to either marriage. Capt. Link has
been a singularly prosperous man, commencing life without money,
and by his thrift and industry has accumulated a handsome estate,
owning in Haywood County over 3,000 acres of the most fertile
land; he is an exceedingly generous man, always responding
liberally to all appeals in behalf of charity. He is a strong
Democrat and was captain of the State militia before the war;
he was not in the war, but sympathized with the South. In early
life he joined the Methodist Church and has since been a consistent
Source: HAYWOOD COUNTY TN - GOODSPEED - The Biographies of Haywood
County TN K - N, USGenWeb Archives by: Jane N. Powell <>