"Eliza Ware Daniel was born in Heard county,
Georgia fifty-eight years ago. She was married
to Edmond S. Daniel. About thirty-nine years
ago she united with Bethel church in Heard county,
being baptized by Rev. Geo. W. Colquitt.
In the home, as a wife and mother and as a neighbor,
she bore testimony of love for her Master in taking
the bible as her guide in the duties of life. During
her sickness she many times expressed to the family
her willingness to die. On Feb. 5, 1909 she died and
was buried in Palmetto. She leaves a husband, five
sons and six daughters to mourn their loss.
Bereaved ones, comfort yourselves that there is nothing
but her absence to sorrow over; and yet she is present
by memory in counsel, in advice and in life and may this
so impress you all that you may meet her again where there
is no separation and no death. F.J.A."
Source: "The Herald & Advertiser" : Newnan, Coweta Co.,
Georgia NEWSPAPER Issue of Friday, March 5, 1909, USGenWeb
Archives by: Candace [Teal] Gravelle
August 11, 2006