John G. Ware Obituary, 1910

” Death of John G. Ware=Last Sunday, Sep. 25, 1910, in

his room at the Fisher Hotel, John G. Ware, a highly

esteemed young printer, who for the past six or eight

weeks had been working at the Chronicle office, in this city,

died after an illness of ten days duration. Mr. Ware came

here about the middle of August and at once went to work

at the Chronicle. He was a capable and honest workman,

and was highly esteemed employers, and though he had

only been in this city a short while had made a large number

of friends. Deceased was a native of Montgomery, West Virginia,

and is survived by his parents, Mr. & Mrs. J. R. Ware, four

brothers and three sisters, all of whom reside in Montgomery.

His brother, Mr. Macon Ware, arrived here Saturday night

and was with him at the time of his death. The remains were

embalmed and sent to West Virginia for burial.”

Source:  Forrest City Times Newspaper – 1910, St Francis County, AR

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