Mack Wimberly (1850 – )

 "MACK WIMBERLY was a native of Georgia, born in Talbot county in the year
1808. Until after the late war he followed planting exclusively and subsequently
engaged in other business, accumulated great wealth and became one of the most
extensive capitalists in Butler county. He moved from his native state to Macon
county, Ala., in 1850, and in 1855 became a resident of the county of Conecuh,
which was his home until the close of the Civil war. In 1867, he changed his
residence to Greenville, Butler county, and lived in that city until his death,
which occurred in 1885. He was married in Georgia, about the year 1825, to
Rocella Langley, and had a large family of some eleven children, only three of
whom are living at this time, namely: Mrs. Frances Moorefield, who resides at
Columbus, Ga.; Alice, wife of Milton Park of Dallas, Texas, and Mack Wimberly,
whose name is that of his father. Mr. Wimberly was a public-spirited citizen in
all that term implies, a keen and shrewd business man and contributed largely
toward the material prosperity of Greenville. He was highly respected, became
one of the wealthiest men of the place, and his death was felt to be an almost
irreparable loss to the community. Mrs. Wimberly preceded her husband to the
grave, departing this life in the year, 1862. 
Mack Wimberly, the immediate subject of this biography, was born July 1, 1850,
in Talbot county, Ga., in the common schools of which he received a practical 
English education. At the age of seventeen, he began clerking in the mercantile
house of Bear & Gandy, in which firm his father owned ail interest, and with
which he remained for a period of about four years, obtaining a thorough 
knowledge of the trade, in the meantime. He was similarly employed for some 
time thereafter with other firms, and in 1878 embarked in business for himself
in partnership with Thomas Boyd and William Flowers, under the firm name of 
Boyd, Wimberly & Co., which continued about three years, when Mr. Wimberly 
purchased the entire stock and has since been one of the leading merchants 
of Greenville. His business has been very successful and he carries a stock
of about $6,000, does trade of from $60,000 to $70,000, and in addition to his
commercial interests is extensively engaged in farming and stock raising in 
Butler county. He has given considerable attention to matters military, and 
has held the office of major in the First Alabama regiment, state troops, 
a position of honor and responsibility. As a democrat he has been active 
in political affairs, though never having  sought office, and he is prominently
identified with the K. of P., K. of H., and Odd Fellows fraternities. Mr. 
Wimberly was united in marriage in the city of Greenville, in 1878, to Katie
Graham, who died in July, 1881, leaving one child, a daughter, Katie, now
a Miss of twelve years. Mr. Wimberly married his second wife in Opelika, in
1885, Miss Jennie Ware, who has borne him one child, Werth Wimberly. 
Mr. Wimberly is a member of the Baptist church and is a trustee of the Baptist
school at Greenville. Mrs. Wimberly is a communicant of the Methodist church."

Source:  Butler County AlArchives Biographies, Author: Brant & Fuller (1893),
File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ann Anderson May 14, 2004

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