"At 4:45 o'clock, this morning, the death of Mrs. Margarett Ware,
widow, of the lamented Dr. Robert A. Ware, occurred at the residence
of Mr. Joe S. Harrison, on Fifth Avenue.
The announcement of her death carries sorrow to the hearts of
large numbers of people throughout this section and who knew and
loved this most estimable lady.
She had been ill for several days and the end was not unexpected.
Mrs. Ware was one of Columbus' oldest citizens, having come here
with her husband, Dr. Ware in 1835. The deceased was, prior to her
marriage, Miss Margaret Caldwell Ellison.
She was the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Ellison, and
was born on July 22, 1814 in Fairfield district, South Carolina.
She was educated in Columbia, S. C., at a college of which Dr.
Marks, a noted instructor, was the president.
Her early childhood was spent with her aunt Mrs. Margaret
In 1829 she removed with her parents to Talbot Valley, and on
March 26th, 1931, she was united in marriage to Dr. Ware, Rev.
Samuel K. Hodges officiating. At the age of thirteen she became a
member of the Methodist Church, but after her marriage joined the
Presbyterian church, of which her husband was a member, uniting
herself with Ephesus church, which Dr. Ware founded.
A distinguishing feature of Mrs. Ware's life was her activity
in all works of benevolence and charity.
In 1848 she was elected one of the managers of the Orphans'
Home of this city. In 1857 she was made treasurer of the home and
1870 was made president of the institution, holding the office until
October 9th, 1891, when she was forced to give it up on account of
ill health.
She was then made honorary president, the lady managers of the
institution feeling that they needed her council and judgement.
She was always greatly interested in young people, and many a
wayward young man had words of advice and admonition from her pen
when she was not convenient to them personally.
Mrs. Ware was one of the seven ladies who instituted the beautiful
custom of observing a Memorial Day, and was elected vice-president
of the local association, holding the office until her death.
She was the embodiment of sweetness and gentleness, and every one
who came in contact with her, felt her gentle influence.
Her's was a noble Christian character, and during her long and
useful life she was a faithful worker in the cause of the Master,
whom she loved so well.
Her home life was beautiful. She was the beloved and idolized
member of a houseshold, which contained four generations of her
Surrounded by loved ones, she passed away with a heaven-like
peace, to meet a Christian's reward."
Source: File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Pat Coyle
pcoyle@1st.net July 1, 2004