Mrs. Mary M. Jackson Obituary, 1897

"9-10-1897 - Jackson - Mary - M. - Mrs. Mary M. 
Jackson, born in Marbro County, S. Carolina, Sept.
13, 1834 died at the home, of her only daughter,
Mrs. T. W. May at Cherry Valley, in Cross County, 
Arkansas, Sept. 5, 1897, at 8: 10 of complicated 
bowel trouble, age 62 years, 11 months, and 23 days. 
The remains were brought to this city Monday, and 
interred at the Forrest City Cemetery, Rev. Jas. F.
Jernigan conducting the funeral ceremony. Mrs.
Jackon's maiden name was Mary M. Ware, and she was 
the daughter of the eminent Methodist divine, Rev.
Nicholas Ware of Brownsville, Marbro County, South 
Carolina. She was married to W. W, Jackson in 1857, 
and five children were born to them: viz. N. W., Miss
Georgia, Dr. W. W., T. W., Everett and Robert, all 
of whom survive her. The family came to Forrest City 
in 1870, and are favorably known throughout Eastern
Arkansas. She was a member of the Methodist Church, 
and was a noble Christian neighbor and mother. She
had been an invalid for years, and though not expected,
her death was a heavy blow to her children, all of 
whom were favorably attached to her. 

Source:  Sep. 10, 1897 Forrest City Times Newspaper.

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