Mrs. W. D. Woodyard Obituary, 1908

"Death of Mrs. W. D. Woodyard

  On Friday last at her home in West Point, Mrs. Minnie E.
Woodyard, wife of W. D. Woodyard , died suddenly. She was 
the eldest daughter of the late J. J. Ware and Mrs. Ware 
and the last of their children. She was about 38 years of 
age, and was married in this city to Mr. Woodyard about 
twenty years ago, since which time she has made her home 
in West Point. She was the mother of eight children, six 
of whom survive her. The funeral services were held in West 
Point at 2:30 o’clock on Saturday afternoon last, conducted 
by her pastor, Rev. R. C. Cleckler, and interment was in the
West Point cemetery. A large number of friends and family 
was present, many going down from LaGrange to pay a last 
sad tribute to her memory.

  Mrs. Woodyard was widely known here and at West Point,
and universally esteemed for her purity of life, her devotion 
to duty, and high ideals of Christian life to which she attained. 
She was a model wife and mother, and most devoted  daughter, 
and her sad death leaves a void in the hearts of her loved ones
which will never be filled.

  To the bereaved husband and children deep sympathy is extended 
by all.

  To the mother whose great love was centered in the only 
child left her, and who so often  before has drank deep 
from the cup of sorrow, all hearts go out in greatest sympathy. 
May the promises of God lift all sorrow from her heart, may 
He deal gently with her, and gladden her declining years with 
the full knowledge that beyond the skies she will be united with 
her loved ones, never." 

Source:  "LaGrange Reporter", Friday, March 27, 1908, USGenWeb
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