“The war between the States found Christian County much divided, though in a general way the Southern half of the county was intensely Southern and the Northern half was Union in sentiment…not until the year 1864 did any clashes occur. In the fall of that year Col. SAM JOHNSON occupied Hopkinsville with Federal troops…Col. H.B. LYON made a raid into the county…and JOHNSON withdrew to Clarksville, (TN) taking some civilians with him as prisoners. One of these was Dr. R.W. WARE of Gracey, arrested for giving medicine to Confederate prisoners. JAS. H. WARE, his son, said his father was taken on foot, under guard, with other prisoners. While crossing a small stream, being thirsty, Dr. WARE took off his hat and dipped up some water…but a soldier punched a hole in the hat with his bayonet and thought it a great joke… On reaching Clarksville, Dr. WARE found Maj. JOHN W. BREATHITT, whom he knew… and he secured his release. Dr. WARE lived to be 80 and was a life-long democrat. Maj. BREAHITT, a Republican, filled many offices in the county after the war and Dr. WARE always voted for him.”
Reference Data:
Source: FindAGrave and David Lander Record added: May 14, 2010 to gravesite, Riverside Cemetery, Christian Co., KY