Edith Louise Ware Obituary, 1927

“Young Corinth Lady Dies In Kansas City –
Edith Louise Ware, aged 20, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Ware of Corinth township, passed away at Kansas City, Mo., last Saturday, following a brief illness. Miss Ware, in company with her mother, had gone to Kansas City on Monday for a week’s visit with the family of John Bell, a brother of Mrs. Ware. Shortly after arriving there she was stricken with uremic poisoning, which caused her death. Miss Ware and her mother had intended to return home early this week with Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Ware, who went to Kansas City last week to purchase a new car.
Miss Ware, a senior in the Downs high school last year, was popular among her young friends and her untimely death was a severe shock to them, as well as her parents and relatives.
The body, accompanied by the mother, arrived in Downs Tuesday morning and funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at the Congregational church, conducted by Rev. T. B. Smith. Interment was made in the Downs cemetery.”

Source:  Downs News Sept. 22, 1927


Librarians rule!  Record added: Aug 01, 2011


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