Edward Lyman Ware Obituary, 1955

“Edward L. Ware, 86, died Tuesday at 4:35 p.m. in Cherokee after a long illness. His home was at 619 North First Street. He had lived in Cherokee for the past seven years. Prior to this time he lived on a farm near Peterson. He had been a member of the Cherokee Police Force for about three years. Mr. Ware was a veteran of World War I. He is survived by his wife, Alice; two daughters, Mrs. Dwight (Barbara) Aschenbrenner of Laurens and Mrs. Homer (Carol) M. Bailey of Peterson; four grandchildren; two sisters, Mrs. Ethel Menchain and Mrs. Marvel Staver of Cherokee and one brother, George Ware, of Sioux Falls. Funeral services were held from Memorial Presbyterian Church with Rev. Carl Beckman officiating. Burial was in Afton Cemetery. Treptow Post #230 had charge of military honors. Boothby Funeral Home was in charge of all arrangements.”

Source:  FindAGrave

JMeister  Record added: Jul 28, 2009

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