Nancy Godfrey Ware Obituary, 1904

“Nancy Godfrey was born in Hardy county, West Virginia, March 23, 1819 and moved with her parents to Ohio in 1823. She was one of a family of twelve children.
On September 15, 1839 she was married to William Ware and they moved to Bonaparte, Iowa in 1842. She was converted Jan. 5, 1851 and united with the M. E. Church of this place, always remaining a faithful servant of her master.
In 1853 she with her husband moved to the farm one mile north of town which has ever since been her home. She was the mother of six children, two of whom died in infancy, and two in after years. Two children, Minor Ware of Bonaparte and Mrs. Hugh Bell of Troy, Iowa, one brother, four sisters, twelve grandchildren and two great grandchildren besides many friends and neighbors are left to mourn their loss.
She was a good sister, a kind and faithful friend and neighbor. The husband and father died August 26, 1865. She departed this life March 13, 1904, aged 84 years, 11 months and 20 days.
Funeral services were held at the M. E. church March 15 at two o’clock P.M., Rev. Erskine officiating. She was laid to rest by the side of her husband in the Bonaparte cemetery.”

Source:  FindAGrave

Jean Wenke  Record added: Mar 08, 2009


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