“Wife of John Ackley Ware and daughter of Elizabeth (Jackson) and Peter T. Cheesman.
Louisa and John was married by Justice of the Peace, Samuel B. Hune on 23 Jun 1829 in Gloucester Township, Gloucester County, New Jersey. Louisa and John had nine children as follows; Sarah, John, Amy, Patience, John, Andrew, Elizabeth, Benjamin and Joseph. The first five children are listed below and the last four are listed under Louisa’s Memorial Bio since we don’t know where some of them died or where they were interred.
Louisa was interred in the old Methodist Cemetery on Main Street in Williamstown, Gloucester County, New Jersey. She has no headstone on her grave and the exact location of her grave in the cemetery in unknown since no Church records exist for the old cemetery.
The four children that are listed next are Andrew, Elizabeth, Benjamin and Joseph.
Andrew J. was born about 1835 in Gloucester Township in old Gloucester County, now Camden County. He married Hester Ann Ransom, daughter of Mary (Brown) and Isaac Ransom, on 5 Jun 1866 in the Williamstown Parsonage by Minister Hudson. No information is available on them since their marriage.
Elizabeth was born on 17 Apr 1840 in Gloucester Township, old Gloucester County, now Camden County. She married John Snuffin about 1859. They had at least seven children and they are John, Elizabeth, Martha, Anna, Benjamin, George and Robert. Elizabeth died after 1920 and John died before 1920 and their cemetery is unknown.
Benjamin was born about 1840 in Gloucester Township, old Gloucester County, now Camden County. He died on 20 Jul 1862 from wounds suffered in action at Charles City Cross Roads, Va during the Civil War, he died at Richmond Virginia. He was a prisoner of war and his burial location is unknown. Benjamin was a Private and a member of the New Jersey Volunteers, Company E, Third Regiment.
Joseph was born about 1842 Gloucester Township, old Gloucester County, now Camden County. He died on 15 Sep 1862 from wounds suffered in action during the Civil War at Crampton’s Pass, in Maryland. His burial location is unknown. Joseph was a Private and a member of the New Jersey Volunteers, Company F, Fourth Regiment.”
Williamstown Old Methodist Cemetery
Gloucester County
New Jersey, USA
No grave stone