“Hiram Ware, 94, a longtime resident of the Santa Barbara-Goleta area, died Thursday at his home.
He was born and raised near Bolivar, MO. He married Fragile Reed in 1916 and the couple lived in Atchison, Kan., where he worked in the creamery business.
The family moved to Goleta in 1938.
He retired from the Goleta Lemon Association in 1961. After his retirement, he enjoyed gardening and beekeeping. He considered himself an environmentalist.
He is survived by a daughter, Mildred Hill of Goleta; three sons, Eugene of Beatty, Ore., Lawrence of Sacramento and Darel of Ojai; four sisters, Orpha Ranberg of Red Bluff, Frances Davolt, Gladys Hancock and Oma Hatchell of Springfield, MO.; a brother, Henry Ware of Bolivar, 22 grandchildren, 37 great-grandchildren and five great-great-grandchildren.
He was preceded in death by his wife, who died in 1964, and a son, Jerry, and daughter, Ruth Davis.
A graveside service will be at 1 PM Thursday in Goleta Cemetery.”
Source: Published on December 21, 1989, publisher unknown at this time.
Damien Record added: Mar 24, 2006