Dr. Edward Rowell Ware Obituary, 1873

“Dr. Edward R. Ware

The recent death of this well known and highly esteemed gentleman has awakened through the wide circle of his friends, a feeling of sorrow of no ordinary kind.

He was well known in this city, having been born and passed his youth in its vicinity. His family was among the oldest most respected of Richmond County. He commenced the practice of medicine in Athens, in which place most of his life was spent. The he rapidly rose to the front rank of the profession, and such was his success that he was enabled, at an early period of his life, to retire with a competent fortune.

Political life was open to him, but it was not to his taste. His popularity was such that, about thirty years ago, without his knowledge, he was put in nomination and elected without opposition to the Legislature from Clark (sic) county. He served one term and positively declined a re-election.

During all of his life, however, he was called on to serve in the boards of public companies, where his sound judgment and pure integrity made him a valued member. But his choice of life was the peaceful enjoyment of his happy home, the society of friends and the love of his family.

No man in all that community was more universally beloved and respected.

The purity of his reputation was never soiled by a breath of calamity. Upright, brave and true, he commanded a confidence that was never disappointed; kind and humane, the appeal of suffering was never made to him in vain.

A refined and cultivated gentleman, his society was ever welcome and his friendship valued. Thus Dr. Ware passed his useful and honored life, as a sincere and quiet Christian, as a devoted husband and loving father, as a kind friend and pleasant neighbor, beloved and trusted by all; and he has left not an enemy in the world, nor one to whom his name will not be a pleasant memory.

One more of the old school of Southern gentlemen has gone from our midst. Of this type of man, the best ever seen on this continent, Dr. Ware was a noble specimen.

May it be long before that type shall become extinct among us.


Augusta Chronicle

14 Jun 1873

Ware, Dr. Edward R. Sep 1803 Richmond Co., GA-6 Jun 1873 Athens, GA. Southern Watchman, 11 Jun 1873; one of our noblest citizens, resident for many years, retired from medical practice years before his death, d. at residence in Athens. Southern Christian Advocate. 13 Aug 1873: Dr Edward Roswell (sic) Ware, orphaned early by death of father, uncle Hon. Nicholas Ware became his guardian; married Margaret Elizabeth Bacon. SCV: Mitchell Thunderbolts. Oconee Cemetery of Athens, GA Charlotte Thomas Marshall.”

Source:  FindAGrave

Ed Saye  Record added: Dec 09, 2009

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