“name: Homer J. Ware
death date: 06 Dec 1971
death place: VA Hospital Center, Temple, Bell, Texas
cause of death: Myocardial infarction; Arteriosclerotic heart disease
gender: Male
race: White
death age: 48 years
estimated birth date: 1923
birth date: 05 Dec 1923
birthplace: Comanche, Texas
marital status: Married
spouse’s name: Virginia M. Ware
father’s name: O. C. Ware
father’s birthplace:
mother’s name: Maude Everage
mother’s birthplace:
occupation: Aircraft Mechanic
place of residence: 507 East 46th Street, Austin, Texas
burial place: Sweetwater, Texas
burial date: 06 Dec 1971
Homer James Ware (1923 -1971)