“WARE, Willard, son of Michael (1765-1849) who m. Mary Polly Cross and then Hannah Camp(Kemp). Willard was b. 1800; d. Mar. 15, 1845. He m. Anna, dau. of Ariel Ware. She m. (2) May 27, 1852, Jesse Edson of Ashfield. She d. in Buckland, Mar. 21, 1891, ae 78 yrs. Seven children listed:
Darwin F
Samuel m. Jane E Payne
Diana m. A. Steele
Lucy F. m. Joseph E Frost
George E 1838-1858
Julia Willard 1828-1830”
Source: History of Buckland by Kendrick w/genealogies by Kellogg pg 689
Anonymous Record added: Nov 28, 2010