Johnathan Ware
College of Health Spotlight, July 2011
- Masters of Science in Clinical Laboratory Science, 2002
- Bachellors of Science in Medical Technology, MUSC, 1994
- In 2010, Ware was selected to be the Department Head of Standardization Management at the Defense Medical Materiel Program Office, which is responsible for coordinating the standardization of medical products between the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps deployable medical units.
- From 2007- 2009 Ware served as the Laboratory Manager at Naval Hospital Jacksonville, Florida. He provided financial and clinical oversight to the main hospital laboratory, to include the blood bank, and seven branch health clinic laboratories located from Atlanta, Georgia, to Key West, Florida. He also dedicated facilities and staff to assist in training laboratory students for the local community college. Two of his civilian staff members were selected as members of the college’s advisory board for their respected profession.
- From June – Dec 2008 Ware also served as the Preventive Health Emergency Officer for the Commander, Navy Installations South East, who is responsible for all Navy installations in the area from North Carolina to Cuba to Texas. His duties included provided expert medical recommendations for all public health situations in the region. No small feat considering the 2008 hurricane season produced a record number of consecutive storms to strike the US and the only time a category 3 or higher hurricane was in the Atlantic each month of the hurricane season.
- In 2004, Ware was awarded the Outstanding Clinical Scientist Award by the Society of Armed Forces Medical Laboratory Scientists. He has received numerous military awards and citations to include one Air Force Achievement Medal, One Navy Achieve Medal, and Five Navy Commendation medals.
- Commander Ware’s military medical duties have taken him to Haiti, Germany, Guam, Cuba, and Kuwait.
- Commander Ware has given several presentations to his peers at the annual SAFMLS conferences and has written articles for the SAFMLS Society Scope.