Mrs. Marietta A. Ware

33. The Daniel Goodnow house, now occupied by L. H. Goodnow, with Mrs. M. A. Ware as a tenant. This place, like the rest of East Sullivan village, was a part of the original Nathaniel Mason farm (see No. 14). N. Mason sold this lot to his son, Nathaniel P. Mason, Oct. 12, 1840. The latter sold it to Daniel Goodnow, Nov. 6, 1843, who had previously lived in Roxbury, on the place which Mr. Ruggles owns. Mr. Goodnow built this house and lived in it until his death, Apr. 20, 1856. He was a carpenter and had a shop which, after his decease, was converted into the dwelling where Mrs. Chase lives, No. 31. After his death, the widow, Folly Goodnow, purchased the rights of her children in this place, by deeds of May 23, 1857 (from her son Caleb), and June 20, 1857 (from her daughter Mary, then Mrs. Raymond). She lived here till her death, Sept. 20, 1863. The house passed to Caleb Goodnow, who purchased his sister’s share, Sept. 29, 1865. Fie had lived here, after his marriage, until he built the house at 34. Elbridge II. Taft was a tenant here during his first short residence in town, and his second child was born here. Caleb Goodnow, Sept. 7, 1865, sold this house to Clarissa Ksi Y, widow of Solomon, who had lived many years at 144, and a short time at 128. She lived here over five years and sold it, Mar. 18, 1871, to Nahum Bridge, who, four days later, deeded it jointly to the wives of Leslie H. Goodnow and D. Willard Rugg. The Goodnows have lived here since, 36 years to the present time (1907), and have had the post office at East Sullivan since 1891. Mr. Goodnow is doing a good business in his mill at 29. He has inherited fine musical taste and promotes the musical efficiency of the church choir in the village, and is, in every way, a most valuable citizen. The death of Mrs. Elvira, «ife of 1). W. Rugg, occurred at her mother’s old homestead in Stoddard, Sept. 20, 1871, only a few months after an undivided half of this house had been deeded to her. The Ruggs had lost their dwelling at 41, by fire, on the night of Feb. 1 and 2, 1871, and shortly after that moved here, into the northern end of the building. A month after the death of Mrs. Rugg, Lyman Davis, Oct. 21, 1871, bought the half of the house which she had owned of Mr. Rugg, acting for himself and as the guardian of Arthur H. Rugg. Mrs. Davis was the postmistress from 1886 to 1891. In the fall of 1895, the Davises purchased the L. P. Nims house at 20, as we have shown already. On Apr. 29, 1896, Mrs. Marietta A. Ware, widow of Alonzo A. Ware of Swanzey, moved into this part of the house as a tenant, and was a valuable accession to the neighborhood. Mrs. Lydia Davis, widow of Marcus Davis of Stoddard, and the mother of Mrs. L. H. Goodnow moved into the same part of the house in 1899. Nov. 3, 1899, the undivided half of the place was deeded to the wife of L. H. Goodnow, who now owns the whole place. Mrs. Davis died, Apr. 15, 1905. She was a capable, ingenious woman, of exceptionally good judgmen


Source:  History of the Town Of Sullivan New Hampshire, 1777-1917,Vol. 1,  by Re. John Lafayette Seward D. D., 1921, ,p.643

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