James S. Dillingham, birth July 4, 1826 Shiloh, Cleveland, North Carolina, death January 21, 1910. His wife Emmaline Ware, birth 1824, York County, South Carolina, her death was September 12, 1896. Their ancestry included German, English and no doubt, other blood lines. They were not newcomers to the United States, but were well established citizens, rather affluent financially, owners and operators of land which was tilled by slave labor. Cotton, tobacco and cane were their chief crops. Seven children were born to this union, Mary Jane, Martha Ann, William Henderson, Sarah Ellen, Arthur Green, Harriet Elizabeth and Lottie Caroline. Some of the Dillingham and Ware progenitors participated in the Revolutionary War. Some had been officers. James S. was energetic, ambitious, outspoken and stern in defending his convictions. Emmeline, on the other hand, was somewhat retiring, gentle, and compassionate. They were staunch members of the Methodist Church throughout their lives.
The above character information is from Mary Jane Dillingham Gordon, eldest child of James S. and Emmeline Ware Dillingham.
Source: Family Search Memories