Mrs. Lura Hadsell Ware Obituary, 1891

The Adage chronicles, with profound sadness, the sudden afflictions that has been brought upon Mr. C.H. Ware and other relatives by the untimely death of his wife, Mrs. Lura Hadsell Ware, which mournful event occurred at 4 o’clock last Sunday morning. A bride of less than six months, who was entering upon a useful and happy life, her demise is doubly sorrowful. Her sickness was neuralgia of the stomach and she was ill but three days. The funeral exercises were held at the Baptist Church yesterday afternoon, and the ceremonies at the grave were given by the Eastern Star, of which Mrs. Ware had recently become a member. Mrs. H.L. Hadsell, mother of the deceased, was called home from Minnesota, where she was visiting, and Mrs. N.V. Hadsell, grandmother, came back from Nebraska. Both arrived in time for the funeral.

The Barry Adage”, Barry, Pike County, Illinois, Thursday, October 8, 1891


Source:  Family Search Memories

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