Richard William Blackshear Jr. (1896 – )

RICHARD WILLIAM BLACKSHEAR, b. Dublin, Ga., 10 April, 1896, son of Richard William Blackshear of Dublin, Ga., and Evelyn Roberts Ware of Twiggs Co., Ga. Living Crest View, Ga., m. MARY WARNELL, b. Pembroke, Ga., about 1893, living. Issue R. W. No. 3 who d. 1935. M/Sgt. World War I joined service April, 1917. Member 21st Infantry Ga. National Guard Co., B Macon Volunteers. Six months Mexican Border Service, Camp Cotton, El Paso, Texas. Returned to Camp Wheeler, Macon, Ga., in April at which time War was declared. Assigned to 151st U. S. Machine Gun Battalion, Rainbow Division (42nd U. S.). Served 17 months active duty in France and Germany. Total length of service three years. Gas casualty-machine gunned during last two days prior to Armistice, other minor wounds while with the American Expeditionary Forces. Certified Valor of Honor. Returned to N. Y. on American Hospital Ship “Great Northern” from Brest, France. Now employed by U. S. Department of Agriculture, Okaloosa Co., Fla. M.W.B. former Registered Nurse. Son born 1 Sept., 1924, d. 21 April, 1935.

Cit. Lr. From (sister), Mrs. O. W. Deal, Atlanta, Ga., 1953.


Source:  Family Search Memories

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