of mississippi
in the house of representatives
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor Mr.
Walter L. Ware who is a remarkable public servant, Sunday School
Teacher, and laborer for the church.
Mr. Walter L. Ware was born in Carroll County, Mississippi on
September 19, 1943 to the late Granville and Myrtle Ruth Ware. To this
union ten children were born, four girls and six boys. In 1983, his
father passed away. Recently, his mother was honored by her family when
she turned the young age of 98 on April 21, 2013.
Mr. Ware attended Browning Elementary School. After elementary
school, he attended and graduated from Amanda Elzy High School. Upon
graduating from Amanda Elzy, Walter spent his summers up North working
so that he could make some money to pay for his college education. He
attended Coahoma Community College before transferring to Alcorn State
University. At Alcorn he obtained his Bachelor's Degree. Later, he
would obtain a Master's Degree from Mississippi Valley State
Mr. Ware is a very well known respected member of the Browning
Community where he grew up and still lives. It is here, where in 1972,
he began to raise cattle on over 200 acres of land. In 1999 he began to
grow milo and soybeans.
He served as board member from 1983-1984 for the Mississippi Action
for Progress.
He has received such awards as Teacher of the Year for the Leflore
County School District, where he served as Social Studies teacher for
29 years before retiring. He has continued to drive the bus for the
district for over 40 years. In 1984 he received an Outstanding Service
to the Community Award. Later in 1998 the United States Department of
Agriculture would honor him with a Certificate of Appreciation for his
work in agriculture.
He is married to Earlean Maxwell. Together they are the proud parents
of three sons and one daughter.
Source: [Congressional Record Volume 160, Number 4 (Wednesday, January 8, 2014)]
[Extensions of Remarks]
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