Early Virginia Immigrants, 1623-1666 from book published 1912 by George Cabell Greer

Each line contains from left to right:
   LAST & FIRST - Name of immigrant who came to America
   ARRIVAL -  Year of immigrant arrival
   SPONSOR - Name of sponsoring person(s) paying passage of immigrant
   COUNTY - County in which sponsor received land for payment of passage

Items in the listing below are separated by tabs to make it easy to cut and paste
into a spreadsheet or database.  Unfortunately, that also creates column alignment
problems for this display.  There are over 17,000 names of immigrants and over
25,000 names including the sponsors.  The original book had many alphabetizing errors, 
which have been corrected with computerized sorting.

Scanning the 300+ pages and correcting the many errors has been a labor of love as
partial repayment for those genealogists (professional and non) who have given me gifts.

Allen Price, 2011


Ware	John	1655	Peter Ford	Gloucester		
Ware	John	1653	William Johnson	Lancaster		
Ware	Jon Jr	1653	John Ware	???		
Ware	Jon Sr & wife	1653	John Ware	???		
Ware	Nicholas	1648	George White	Lower Norfolk		
Ware	Thomas	1652	Ambrose Dixon & Stephen Horsely Jr	Northampton		
Ware	William	1641	Thomas Bernard	Warwick River

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