Moore’s Chapel was first connected with Somerset Circuit, and later formed a part of Salisbury Circuit until 1840 when Laurel Circuit was created and Moore’s assigned to it. It was thus connected until 1858, when it was placed in Quantico Circuit, and remained there until 1863, when it formed part of Sharptown Circuit. In 1871 Sharptown Circuit was divided and Mt. Pleasant (Moore’s), Hepburn, Union and Delmar set off by themselves as Delmar Circuit. Through its various changes it has been served by the following pastors:
Pastors of Moore‘s Chapel 1781 – 1887
T. Ware, presiding elder 1800-01
In 1842 a Society of Methodists was formed by Rev. James Hargis, in an old dwelling-house belonging to William C. King, situated on the opposite side of the road, from ‘the present residence of Wm. F. King and about half a mile south of King’s Church. The members of the first class held in the old house, were John and Amelia Wootten, Elijah and Mary Williams. William and Elizabeth Gordy, Alaphare Williams, Sarah King, Sarah I. Wootten, Thomas and Elizabeth Adams, Susan Elliott and several children of Elijah Williams. Money and materials were contributed for the erection of a church which was completed the same year, and named Hepburn, after a Philadelphia man of that name, who promised twenty dollars towards paying for the church, provided it was so called. It stood in the woods twelve or fifteen feet from the county road, and was not plastered on the inside until 1848. Services were held in this building until 1885. In 1881 an’ effort was made to erect a new church, bat nothing was accomplished until 1884, when a building committee was appointed. They decided to build a church thirty by forty feet with a recess pulpit. It was finished early in the winter, and was to have been dedicated on December 21, but the rain prevented the people from coming. The dedicatory services were conducted by Revs. E. L. Hubbard and I. T. Fostnocht, of the Wilmington Conference, on January 26, 1885. The people objected to the name Hepburn, and by a vote of the congregation taken the day before the dedication, it was decided to call the new church King’s. The first religious service in the church was the marriage of Miss Lelia E. Beach and Mr. George H. Waller, on December 24, 1884. The church since its organization, except from 1858 to 1868, has been connected with the same circuits as Mt. Pleasant, and has been served by the same pastors. The pastors from 1858 to 1868 were:
Society of Methodist Pastors ~ 1868 – 1867
Wm. Ware 1858
Source: History of Delaware, 1609-1888, Volume I, by J. Thomas Scharf, L. J. Richards & Company, Philadelphia, 1888