MUNFORD — Veta Ware Forbess, 92, of Memphis, formerly of Covington and Munford, nurses’ assistant at Methodist and St. Joseph hospitals in Memphis, died of heart disease Monday at Wesley At Millington Nursing Care. Services will be at 11 a.m. Thursday at First Assembly of God Church of Munford, where she was a charter member, with burial in Helen Crigger Cemetery. Munford Funeral Home has charge. Mrs. Forbess, the widow of Charlie Porter Forbess, leaves four daughters, Doris Cole and Melba Cole, both of Memphis, Sara Cooke of Bartlett, and Wilda Wright of Covington; two sons, Billy Ware Forbess of Cooper City, Fla., and Giles ‘Buddy’ Forbess of Lubbock, Texas, 19 grandchildren and 22 great-grandchildren.
Source: Commercial Appeal, The (Memphis, TN) — Tuesday, July 26, 1994