Member Benefits

Connect with others.

It is our hope that this site becomes a place where people sharing an interest in Ware family history and genealogy can share information. As a member you are able to both view and share information. Members are encouraged to both share thier information as well as seek information.

Share links to other member or Ware related web sites.

On the side bar you can find links to other members research as well as sites of related families and members personal sites. Note: If you don’t see your link there it can be submitted to the Web Site Administrator for inclusion. To do so Click Here and complete our contact form

Web Space

For those doing Ware research we make available Space on this site to post anything related to the Ware Name. The preferred way to do that is to post your information as articles on this site. In some cases the information may be in forms unsuited for this format so we do have an ability to provide space for other formats on a case by case basis.  If assistance is needed posting to this site and you can’t find help on the help page you can contact the Web Site administrator (ken) by clicking here and completing the Contact email form.

Email space.

For those working on the Ware name and contributing to this site we also have email addresses available at If you need an address you can complete the application by CLICKING HERE and completing the form. Once approved you will be contacted at your regular email and given access information for the mail service. There is no charge for email addresses.

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