In a recent phone conversation with Vicki, the subject somehow got directed onto my situation of living alone. She seemed greatly concerned for my welfare, in a motherly fashion of course.   For the uninformed, my situation came about … Continue reading

Abercrombie vs Abercrombie

              “ABERCROMBIE’S EXE’TOR vs.                     ABERCROMBIE’S HEIRS                 Alabama Supreme Court, 1855 Albert G. Abercrombie’s will, signed and dated, Dec 15, 1848, and admitted to probate in Montgomery Co, AL, Feb 20, 1849. Under the terms of this will, Abercrombie … Continue reading


  I think I have found the reason females make better accountants, private secretaries, and yes, home makers, than their male counterparts. It’s their unrelenting attention to details. Think about it. For example, when a couple goes to buy a … Continue reading