Wares of Woodford County, Kentucky

Copy to your browser. (Only partial viewing.) James Ware http://books.google.com/books?id=43jEKg6VTLYC&lpg=PA319&dq=history%20of%20todd%20co%20ky&pg=PA130#v=onepage&q=ware&f=false Edmund Ware, William Ware, Elizabeth Ware http://books.google.com/books?id=43jEKg6VTLYC&lpg=PA319&dq=history%20of%20todd%20co%20ky&pg=PA199#v=onepage&q=ware&f=false Sarah Ware, William Ware, Rebecca Ware http://books.google.com/books?id=43jEKg6VTLYC&lpg=PA319&dq=history%20of%20todd%20co%20ky&pg=PA309#v=onepage&q=ware&f=false Dr. James Ware, Lucy Ware, James Ware, William Ware http://books.google.com/books?id=43jEKg6VTLYC&lpg=PA319&dq=history%20of%20todd%20co%20ky&pg=PA319#v=onepage&q=ware&f=false Agnes Ware, Samuel Ware, Anne Richardson … Continue reading

Ware Families of Todd Co., Kentucky

Copy to your browser. (Only partial viewing.) Charles W. Ware, Edmund Ware, Louisa Ware, Sue B. Ware, Gertrude Ware, Jasper A. Ware http://books.google.com/books?id=turAkKcJCrYC&lpg=PP1&dq=history%20of%20todd%20co%20ky&pg=PA304#v=onepage&q=ware&f=false Nicholas Merriwether Ware, Charles Walter Ware, Robert Franklin Ware, William Franklin Ware, Edmund Ware, Martha Graham Ramsey … Continue reading

Thomas Bullock Sr (1803 – 1888)

“BULLOCK,  THOS Sr, farmer P.O. Eureka.  The above gentleman is one of the best known, and one of the oldest settlers of Woodford Co.  On the 27th day of Feb. 1841 a bill was approved by the Governor, entitles an … Continue reading

James Porter Bullock (1829 – 1888)

“In studying the lineage of the Bullock  family we find that they are of English stock and southern associations.  As early as 1830 Thomas ans Agnes (Ware) Bullock (the latter of Scotch-Welsh descent)”  (The Wares migrated from England to Ireland … Continue reading