“T.H. WARE BURIED HERE T.H. Ware, aged 74, former resident of Rison, died at his home at Pine Bluff Saturday night after a long illness. Funeral services were conducted at the Rison Methodist church Monday morning at 10:30 by the … Continue reading

“T.H. WARE BURIED HERE T.H. Ware, aged 74, former resident of Rison, died at his home at Pine Bluff Saturday night after a long illness. Funeral services were conducted at the Rison Methodist church Monday morning at 10:30 by the … Continue reading
”WARE, Joseph Todhunter, 1176 Eleventh Ave. So., Birmingham, Ala. –R.S. Andr. Ch., Birmingham, Ala., 1918–. b. Baltimore, Md., July 29, 1886; s. Charles Howard Ware and Albertina (Todhunter). Joh. Hop. Un., A.B., 1907; Theol. Sem., Va., B.., 1911. D-1910, P–1911. … Continue reading
DR. BENJAMIN LEON WYMAN, A. M., of Birmingham, Ala., was born Aug. L 1, 1856, at Tuscaloosa, Ala. …Dr. B. L. Wyman obtained his early education at Tuscaloosa, Ala. His father taught him at home for two years. When about … Continue reading