Edward Franklin Ware (1835 – 1861)

Added by: Hope  “15th Mass. Infantry. Edward Franklin Ware. Mustered in, July 12, 1861. Died in the service. Born August 28, 1835, in Oakham, son of Archibald and Caroline Cutler (Cooley) Ware. His father was son of Archibald Ware, who … Continue reading

Eward Franklin Ware (1835 – 1861)

”15th Mass. Infantry. Edward Franklin Ware. Mustered in, July 12, 1861. Died in the service. Born August 28, 1835, in Oakham, son of Archibald and Caroline Cutler (Cooley) Ware. His father was son of Archibald Ware, who came to Oakham … Continue reading

Samuel Fisher Miller (1822 – 1870)

“SAMUEL FISHER MILLER, [South Brookfield], son of Rev. Moses and Bethiah (Ware) Miller, was born in Heath, Oct. 5, 1822; fitted for college with his father.  Devoted himself to civil engineering, and served his apprenticeship upon the Hoosac Tunnel and … Continue reading