JAS. WARE OF LAYTON IS CALLED BY DEATH— Father of Former Sheriff James Ware of Davis Co., Passed Away Monday at Age of 82 Years— James Ware passed away of infirmities incident to old age at the home of his … Continue reading

JAS. WARE OF LAYTON IS CALLED BY DEATH— Father of Former Sheriff James Ware of Davis Co., Passed Away Monday at Age of 82 Years— James Ware passed away of infirmities incident to old age at the home of his … Continue reading
Mrs. Ware was born in England, June 13th, 1906. Mrs. Ware was a Red Cross Worker during W.W. II, in England. In 1953, she emmigrated to Canada and worked as an X-ray Technician. In 1957, she married Joseph E. Ware … Continue reading
“Robert Ware, the immigrant ancestor of Charles E. Ware, of Fitchburg was indeed the ancestor of all of that name known in this part of the country. Robert Ware was born in England and came to this country before the … Continue reading
“CHARLES WARE, an old and prominent farmer of Shelby County, was born in Franklin County Ky., November 9, 1796. His parents, William and Nancy (Saunders) Ware, were both Virginians by birth, and of English descent. William Ware, a son of … Continue reading
“JOHN WARE, a member of the Board of trustees of Cedar Township, and a highly respected citizen,is one of the early settlers of the Hawkeye State. He crossed the Mississippi while a mere youth, with his parents, and settled in … Continue reading
“EDWARD WARE with C. Lamb & Sons, is a native of England, and was born June 13, 1830; he came to America in 1842, and was brought up in New York State; he came to Fulton in1854 and came to … Continue reading