Robert Montraville Green (1880 – )

“GREEN, Robert Montraville, М.D.: b. Boston. July 11, 1880; s. Charles Montraville and Helen Lincoln (Ware) Green; A.B., Harvard. 1902. M.D.. 1906. Practiced in Boston since 1906; instr. in anatomy, asst. in obstetrics and gynecology. Harvard Med. Sch. Mem. Mass. … Continue reading

Charles Montraville Green (1860 – )

”GREEN, Charles Montravllle, physician; b. Medford, Mass., Dec. 18, 1860; s. George Bent and Melinda (Wetherbee) O.; prep, ed’n Medford schools and Boston Latin School; grad. Harvard Coll., 1874; Med. School, Harvard Univ., 1877; m. Boston, June 29, 1876, Helen … Continue reading