Albert Henry Newman (1852 – )

NEWMAN, Albert Henry: Theological Professor, author and editor. Born at Edgefield Co., South Carolina, U.S.A., Aug. 26, 1852. Educated at Mercer University, Georgia (B.A., In 1871, and M.A., In 1873); Rochester Theological Seminary (B.D., 1875); Graduate Student (Arabic and Greek, … Continue reading

Horatio Hackett Newman (1875 – )

NEWMAN, HORATIO HACKETT, zoologist, and a native of Alabama, was born at Vilula, Russell County, March 19, 1875; son of Albert Henry and Mary Augusta (Ware) Newman, the former a native of Greenville, S. C., a theologian and author, and … Continue reading

Henry Albert Newman (1852 – 1933)

“NEWMAN, ALBERT HENRY (1852-1933), Albert Henry Newman, Baptist Church Historian and one of the founders of the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary , one of five children of John Blackstone and Harriet (Whitaker) Newman, was born in the Edgefield District of … Continue reading