Robert Henry Brennecke, Jr. (1879 – )

”BRENNECKE, Robert Henry, Jr.: Clergyman; b. Watertown, Wis., July 7, 1879; s. Robert H. and Alvina (Steinfort) Brennecke; ed. in public schools and Northwestern Univ. at Watertown, Wis., Moravian Coll., Bethlehem, Pa., B.A., Moravian Theol. Sem., Bethlehem, Pa., B.D., Univ. … Continue reading

Dr. Lyman Ware (1841 – 1916)

“Lyman Ware, M.D. was born November 11, 1841, and is a son of Ralph and Lucinda (Clark) Ware, both parents being natives of Massachusetts, where the Ware family located in the 17th century.  On the mother’s side the Clarks came … Continue reading