Donald G. Ware Obituary, 2010

Donald G. Ware 1935 ~ 2010 Don Ware died Wednesday, September 22, 2010 after a pyrrhic battle with old-age. He was 75 years old. He was born in his grandparents’ log cabin in Orangeville, Utah June14, l935. Shortly after his … Continue reading

Maree Johannah Rasmussen Peacock Ware Obituary, 1999

“ORANGEVILLE–Maree Johannah Rasmussen Peacock Ware, 87, died Oct. 25, 1999 at home following a long illness and was reunited with her beloved husband. She was born Sept 5, 1912 in Castle Dale to Erastus P. and Mary Jensine Josephine Peterson … Continue reading