“JOHN F. LESTER, 95, IS DEAD John Francis Lester, 95, died Tuesday at Idaho County Nursing Home where he had been a patient for the past five years. He was a retired farmer. He was born May 5, 1868 at … Continue reading

“JOHN F. LESTER, 95, IS DEAD John Francis Lester, 95, died Tuesday at Idaho County Nursing Home where he had been a patient for the past five years. He was a retired farmer. He was born May 5, 1868 at … Continue reading
“LAST RITES FOR SALLIE POLLAN SATURDAY Funeral services for Sallie M. Pollan, 83, were held Saturday afternoon at the Robertson Funeral Chapel, the Rev. James Pitts of Stites officiating. Hymns were sung by Mrs. Howard Frieze with Mrs. Vance at … Continue reading
“HEART ATTACK FATAL COUNTY PIONEER ———- Mrs. Laura Lester, 76, pioneer resident of Camas Prairie died Saturday morning at General Hospital where she was taken Thursday following a heart attack. Born the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Ware, farmers … Continue reading