“SACRED | to the memory of | Daniel Ware Esq. | who died | Oct. 20, 1819, Behold and see as you pass bye. As you are now so once was I, As I am now so you must be; … Continue reading

“SACRED | to the memory of | Daniel Ware Esq. | who died | Oct. 20, 1819, Behold and see as you pass bye. As you are now so once was I, As I am now so you must be; … Continue reading
“DEWITT, FRANK AUSTIN, Newfane. Banker. Born Elyria O., Feb. 9, 1864; son of Rollin Converse and Charlotte P. (Birchard) DeWitt. Educated in the public schools of Elyria, and Eastman’s Business College. In 1898 married Lena Ware of Hillsboro, Ill.; they … Continue reading