Alfred Dodge Cole (1861 – )

”COLE, Alfred Dodge, educator; b. Rutland, Vt.. Dec. 18, 1861; s. Israel D. and Alice (Ware) C.; A. B.. Brown Univ.. 1884, A. M., 1887: studied Johns Hopkins, 1884-5, Summer Sch., Harvard, 1888, Berlin, 1894-5, Summer Sch., Cornell, 1897, Univ. … Continue reading

Horatio Hackett Newman (1875 – )

NEWMAN, HORATIO HACKETT, zoologist, and a native of Alabama, was born at Vilula, Russell County, March 19, 1875; son of Albert Henry and Mary Augusta (Ware) Newman, the former a native of Greenville, S. C., a theologian and author, and … Continue reading