A memorial service will be held at 2 p.m. July 29 in the ballroom of the Oak Park Arms, 408 S. Oak Park Ave., Oak Park. Parking is available in the Foley Rice parking lot at the northeast corner of … Continue reading

A memorial service will be held at 2 p.m. July 29 in the ballroom of the Oak Park Arms, 408 S. Oak Park Ave., Oak Park. Parking is available in the Foley Rice parking lot at the northeast corner of … Continue reading
”COLE, Alfred Dodge, educator; b. Rutland, Vt.. Dec. 18, 1861; s. Israel D. and Alice (Ware) C.; A. B.. Brown Univ.. 1884, A. M., 1887: studied Johns Hopkins, 1884-5, Summer Sch., Harvard, 1888, Berlin, 1894-5, Summer Sch., Cornell, 1897, Univ. … Continue reading
NEWMAN, HORATIO HACKETT, zoologist, and a native of Alabama, was born at Vilula, Russell County, March 19, 1875; son of Albert Henry and Mary Augusta (Ware) Newman, the former a native of Greenville, S. C., a theologian and author, and … Continue reading